Welcome to our Suppliers page, where quality meets reliability in the plastics industry. Each supplier listed on our website represents the pinnacle of excellence, innovation, and trustworthiness.

We understand that the backbone of our product offerings lies in the strength of our partnerships with these esteemed suppliers. From global leaders to specialized niche providers, our diverse range of suppliers ensures that we cater to all your industry needs with utmost precision and quality.

Dive into the world of our suppliers, where each name is synonymous with quality and customer satisfaction


Precision in Plastics: Innovating Your Moulding Experience

Discover Precision and Innovation with MOULDPRO - Your Expert in Plastic Injection Moulding Solutions.

At MOULDPRO, we specialize in elevating the art of plastic injection moulding. Our extensive range of products, including mould sprays, consumables, water couplings, specialist tools, and accessories, is meticulously crafted to meet the dynamic needs of moulding professionals. Our commitment goes beyond just supplying products; we are dedicated to delivering excellence in every item we offer.

Partnering with a network of knowledgeable and carefully chosen distributors, MOULDPRO ensures not only the availability of premium products but also a wealth of industry expertise and outstanding customer service. Our dedication to quality is unwavering, as evidenced by our competitive pricing and attentive response to customer feedback, which drives the continual evolution of our product line.

A notable testament to our innovation is the development of Quick Mould Change (QMC) products, specifically designed to address the unique challenges of the industry. MOULDPRO, while valuing personalized attention and care, stands as a significant and established supplier with years of accumulated experience in the plastics sector. Our strategy is centered on providing top-quality products timely, ensuring value for money, and maintaining a robust global presence through our distribution network.

We invite you to explore our catalogue, confident that you will find the perfect solutions for your applications. Your satisfaction fuels our motivation to improve and excel every day. Welcome to MOULDPRO, where quality meets innovation in the world of plastic injection moulding.


Introducing Flosense: Your Partner in Advanced Moulding Solutions.

At Flosense, we specialize in enhancing the efficiency and precision of the injection moulding process. Our focus is on developing innovative monitoring systems that are not just affordable and flexible, but also crucial for ensuring the highest standards of quality and performance in moulding operations. Our solutions are designed for easy installation and user-friendliness, making them an ideal choice for moulders who prioritize both cost-effectiveness and superior output.

Flosense is more than just a product - it's a commitment to excellence in the moulding industry. By providing reliable and insightful monitoring of key process parameters, we help our clients achieve unmatched stability and efficiency in their operations. Join us in embracing a future of moulding perfection with Flosense at your side.